Scope: This article will show you how to submit an MIS change notification form to request staff changes (interdepartmental, terminations, new hires). An MIS request is submitted to meet employee technology requirements.

Process: The Human Resource department, directors, or managers must submit a form with managerial approval CC'd to the ticket when requesting MIS changes. Other than Terminations, which are completed immediately, items may take up to 72 business hours. MIS Change requests must have the employee's name in the subject line. Please submit forms individually with sufficient time via Support Ticket to IT Support/MIS.

Attached below are the contents of the form. Please copy and paste the fields into a ticket submission and fill out the required fields.

Y = Yes

N = No

* Indicates Required Field

New User Login or New Hire Employee

Employee First Name*:

Employee Last Name*:


Job Title*:

Employment Type*:
(REPLACE: i.e., Full-time equivalent (FTE) or contractor)
Office Location*:


Hardware Requirements

Personal Computer (i.e., laptop, desktop) OR Terminal (small black box on desk)*:

Phone (Y/N, please provide extension number)*:


Software Requirements

ServTracker Profile (Y/N)*:

Email/Microsoft Office (Y/N)*:


Additional Questions:

Requires ID Badge (Y/N)*

Requires Copier Code (Y/N)*:

New Hire Effective Date*:


**Please notify MIS BEFORE the employee leaves The Volen Center – This is critical if the employee’s termination is not voluntary!**

Termination Effective Date*:

Should the phone extension be removed(Y/N)*:

* If yes, provide the extension number:

Should any documents, emails, or records be saved (Y/N)*:

* If yes, for how long (30 days, 60 days, 1 year, other):

Access to documents and records after termination provided to:

CEO Approval is required for storage and access.

**Please note that all documents, emails, and records will be deleted on the indicated timeline. Information will not be stored permanently so please review and save anything necessary or relevant before the document termination date.**